Rainy days should be no excuse not to be able to exercise. There are various activities both parents and children can participate in. Here is a list of activities to keep parents and children moving.

Treasure Hunt Game
Give children 30 minutes to complete. Make the price a healthy snack and hide prize outside.
Cut out pictures from magazines or print pictures online to use as clues. Also, include a physical activity in each clue. For example, make children hop, skip, bear crawl or side shuffle and so on.
Hide clues under rocks or inside Easter Eggs.
Play outdoor games inside the house or in the garage
Place basketball court under the porch and play a game of HORSE.
Play basketball using an indoor mini court to place on the door and play with
foam ball.
Move the furniture around in the living room to play golf or hockey. Place a box or cup on its side.
Tie a rope to two chairs to play a game of limbo.
Play volleyball with a balloon or beach ball tying a tope or string to two chairs.
Play outside in the rain
Put on rain boots, raincoats, and warm clothes and stomp on the puddles.
Sidewalk chalk during or after rain
Don’t forget the umbrella!
Field Trip to an indoor play area. Search for the nearest location.
Ice/Roller Skating
Indoor tennis court
Indoor trampoline park; Rocket Jump or Sky Zone
Indoor Rock Climbing
Fitness Videos
Nintendo Wii Sports or Just Dance
Zumba or Kickboxing videos
Encourage children to create their own dance routine and have a competition.