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Football Season is Starting! Here’s How to Get Your Activity In

School starting, summer coming to a close, fall around the corner all point to one thing, the start of football season!

From early September to the end of January many families are engulfed with football every weekend as there are exciting games on from dusk until dawn. At Dr Patricia MD, we too are football fans and watch our fair share of games throughout the year, but that does not mean that our activity/exercise time drops as we still shoot to hit a minimum of 60 minutes every day (ideally screen time is equal to exercise time).

Use half time of your favorite games to get outside and throw a ball around or go for a little run. During commercial breaks practice some burpees, sit ups, squats, frog jumps or other body weight exercises that help to strengthen up your entire body. Do pushups for every single point that your team scores!

Lastly, think about fueling your body appropriately with plenty of water and choose healthy snacks over unhealthy ones such as vegetables and hummus, a healthy guacamole, and some cut up fruit with some all natural peanut butter. Drinking and eating properly helps your body to be able to handle more activity as well as helps your body to heal and recover faster from all the hard work you will be putting in!

Have fun this football season and good luck to your favorite team, but never forget about taking care of the most important thing you can take care of, yourself.


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