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Children and families eating well, feeling well, and living well.
Our Mission
To promote healthy lifestyles in children, families, and communities by addressing medical, nutritional, social, economic, and behavioral issues in a comprehensive, compassionate, and empowering manner.

Our History
Dr. Patricia's Health Club formed as a result of Dr. Patricia’s expertise and passion, coupled with support from the Children and Families Commission of Orange County. In 2002, the Commission funded a pilot program at Huntington Beach Community Clinic to address the growing problem of young children with unhealthy weight. By July 2008, the Commissions funding commitment and Hoag Memorial Hospital’s support enabled Dr.Patricia MD/ Dr. Riba’s Health Club to mature into its own entity and offer services at multiple sites.
Spearheaded by Dr. Patricia, our program comprises an innovative and comprehensive approach to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity, diabetes, failure to Thrive, and any nutrition-related problems. What began as a grassroots organization has grown into a program that reaches thousands of families each year? Dr. Patricia'sHealth Club is leading the fight against child obesity in Orange County not only through one-on- one care, but also systematically through provider, community, and parent education programs.
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