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Here you will find content for young children. We are excited to share a range of enjoyable learning content for early learners. With adorable feathered friends and lively music, your little ones can grasp the importance of healthy living while having fun!
We invite you and your family to listen to these stories told by Dr. Patricia:
Goodnight Dreaming Tree
There Are So Many Kisses
The White Light
Goodnight Dreaming Tree
There Are So Many Kisses
The White Light
Dr. Patricia and her feathery friends in the Fit Kid Squad ™ promote literacy and valuable education on health, nutrition, safety, fitness, sleep, social-emotional development, and strengthening support systems.
The curriculum is consistent with California State Standards for Kindergarten and inclusive for all children regardless of race, economic, culture, language, and abilities. DrPHC is thoughtfully designed to promote health in support of all children, especially those growing up with obesity and/or ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences).