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Fun with Dad and Grandpa on Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s a great day to celebrate with fathers and grandfathers. While any day can be a special day for Dad, Father’s Day is the ideal time to bond with toddlers and children and get them involved in fun, healthy, and carefree activities.

We’ve got some great suggestions for fun with Dad and Grandpa on Father’s Day! Check them out below:

Go for a short hike. Children love to explore the outdoors, and so do dads! Hiking is a wonderful way to get some exercise in for both kids and adults alike. Be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and a portable first aid kit along with hats.

Check out a Home Depot Kids Workshop. These fun workshops run the first Saturday of every month, so they can serve as a future bonding experience next month for Dad and kids. They are free for children of all ages and there is no signing up. To find a Home Depot Kids Workshop near you, go to

Take a walk in the park. Go strolling through your neighborhood park with the kids. Walking is a wonderful way to bond with family while getting much-needed fresh air and physical activity. Take some time to notice and talk about the trees, birds, and flowers. Children are like little sponges when it comes to learning about nature!

Have a little party. Get Dad, Grandpa, and the children together for a fabulous Father’s Day party. Make the party complete with lots of lively games like obstacle courses, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and Guess the Tool. Complete your Father’s Day party with some water balloons and some healthy snacks like veggies and hummus, apple slices, and cheese cubes.

Go play miniature golf. If Dad loves golf, what better what to bond with the kids than to play some miniature golf? There are many miniature golf courses for families that are inexpensive and fun. Playing a few rounds of putt-putt with the kids could be just what Dad needs for a relaxing yet memorable Father’s Day.

Bonding with Dad and Grandpa is a rewarding experience that goes a long way in strengthening healthy family relationships. Do you have anything planned with Dad and Grandpa on Father’s Day? Leave us a comment below and let us know about the fun!

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